Is it too late to follow everyone?!

Carolina Candela
2 min readDec 14, 2021


Thanks to my extreme dedication to procrastination, I am once again forced to reckon with the fact that you can’t get very far alone.

At least, not when you wait until the last minute…

Had I started sharing my short stories on Medium earlier this year, I most likely wouldn’t be in this tight spot.

But thanks to my former freelance gig and the fact that the idea of writing even more was just too heinous, I didn’t.

I want to stay!

Now that I’ve started to write on Medium, I find that I really enjoy it. It gives me a place to share my talent and make money off of it without having to worry about endless edits.

(As of today, I’m at $4.30 with 70 reads of my 10 stories. I started posting the first of this month, so no too bad!)

So in order to stay in the game, I’ve decided to try my hand at making friends with others in the same boat.

I will follow anyone who follows me and I will follow you forever!

How’s that for a promise?

Well, I mean it. I will follow anyone who follows me. Unlike back in the day on Instagram, I won’t come and unfollow you as soon as I reach my goal.

I will actually read your posts!

What’s the point of having a follower if they don’t really follow you?

Oh, right… to stay in the Medium Partner Program… Right.

Regardless, I will actually read your posts and make you feel like less of a nobody in the void known at the internets. I like exploring new ideas and learning about something I might not have stumble onto alone.

So post!

I will actually engage with your content!

Know what’s almost as good as really awesome content?

Really awesome engagement.

And that just happens to be my jam.

I love leaving insightful, thoughtful or just downright silly comments and replies. Why not? If I enjoy something or if it makes me think, then I want to let the writer know so they do it again.

Want more?

Well, you’ll get it. Having at least one comment on a post acts the same as priming the pump before you bring up any water. Sometimes all it takes is one person to get the comments flowing.

I am that one person… but I am not Neo.

Have I convinced you yet?

If so, please follow me and I will follow you right back. Let’s stay in this together!



Carolina Candela

I write one handed reads for people who can’t wait to bust.